The Cottonwood Canyon Hills Car Show is scheduled for Saturday, September 25. The event will take place from 8-11am in the Rec 1 parking lot located at 31989 Hollyhock Way. This is a family friendly event that is free of charge and open to residents of Canyon Hills. There will be great raffle prizes, free coffee & donuts, music and more!
Registration slots are limited so register soon! Households can enter up to 2 vehicles (cars, trucks, motorcycles) and there is a fee of $15 per registered vehicle. We’ll have an award plaque and a Visa gift card for “Best in Show”, 2nd place, and 3rd place. To register please complete this form and submit a check or money order to the office. Registrations received by August 31 will include a complimentary car show t-shirt! Spots are full and we are no longer accepting registrations.
We hope to see you there!