//Car Show – CANCELED


The Cottonwood Canyon Hills Car Show originally scheduled for Saturday, May 21st has been CANCELED due to low participation. Those that registered a car can pick up their checks for the entry fee at the management office. If not picked up by Friday, May 20th, the checks will be shredded. If you had registered your car before May 2nd, you will still receive the complimentary t-shirt and will be notified when they are available.


The Cottonwood Canyon Hills Car Show is scheduled for Saturday, May 21st. The event will take place from 8-11 am in the Rec 1 parking lot located at 31989 Hollyhock Way. This is a family-friendly event that is free of charge and open to residents of Cottonwood Canyon Hills. There will be free coffee & donuts, Hot Dog on a Stick, music, and more!

Registration slots are limited so register ASAP! Households can enter up to 2 vehicles (cars, trucks, motorcycles) and there is a fee of $15 per registered vehicle. We’ll have awards for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place. Click HERE or stop by the management office for a registration form. Registrations received by May 2nd will include a complimentary car show t-shirt! Registration is open until spaces are filled or by May 13th, whichever comes first!

Please note that commercial vehicles or vehicles with any sort of logo are not able to enter the car show.

We hope to see you there!