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The Board of Directors is considering making changes to the community’s CC&Rs, specifically to the sections on commercial/recreational vehicles and garage doors. Any changes to the CC&Rs require the approval of at least 75% of the membership. We’d appreciate any input you, the residents of Cottonwood Canyon Hills, have regarding commercial/recreational vehicles and garage door restrictions within the community.
The survey is now CLOSED!
UPDATE [3/1/23]:
Earlier this year we sent out a survey to gauge the community’s opinion on the current CC&Rs in regard to commercial vehicles, recreation vehicles, and garage doors. We had an astounding 827 responses. Click HERE to view the results — which can also be found in the Notices folder on the Resident Portal.
The Board of Directors will hold a special election on Thursday, April 20th, to consider changing the community’s CC&Rs, specifically to the sections on commercial/recreational vehicles and garage doors. Any changes to the CC&Rs require the approval of at least 75% of the membership through District Delegate Voting.
The proposed CC&R amendments will be included in the ballot mailer going out later this month. The current copy of the CC&Rs can be found in the Governing Documents folder on the Resident Portal.
UPDATE [3/22/23]:
The ballots for the proposed CC&R amendments have been mailed out! The special membership meeting for the purpose of voting to amend the CC&Rs is scheduled for Thursday, April 20th. The meeting will begin at 4:00 PM in the Cottonwood Canyon Hills Clubhouse at 31989 HOLLYHOCK WAY, LAKE ELSINORE, CA 92532.
Ballots must be received by Ballot Box by Tuesday, April 18th. Ballot drop-off will be available starting at 3:45 PM. A recess will be called while the ballots are counted. The election results will be announced after the regular session of the Board of Directors. Stay tuned for the results!
UPDATE [4/21/23]:
Thank you to everyone who voted and those that attended last night’s special membership meeting! The Association held a special membership meeting on April 20, 2023, for the purpose of voting to amend the CC&Rs regarding antennae/satellite dish guidelines, tree trimming, commercial/recreational vehicles, and garage doors. For approval of each amendment, a total of 75% of the members must vote in favor (2,271).
The votes are in!
CC&R Amendment Article X, Section 4 to simplify antennae/satellite dish guidelines:
FAILED – 2,134 “approve” votes, 894 “disapprove” votes
CC&R Amendment Article X, Section 8 to update the Association’s guidelines to include the City of Lake Elsinore’s verbiage regarding tree trimming:
FAILED – 1,821 “approve” votes, 1207 “disapprove” votes
CC&R Amendment Article X, Section 26 to clarify the rules regarding commercial/recreational vehicles:
FAILED – 2,000 “approve” votes, 1028 “disapprove” votes
CC&R Amendment Article X, Section 27 to remove the time limit on garage doors:
FAILED – 2,040 “approve” votes, 988 “disapprove” votes
UPDATE [1/31/24]:
On January 15, 2024 the Association sent out a Notice of Hearing to all residents. The Association is filing a Petition to reduce the required voting percentage for approval of amendment of the CC&Rs. The hearing is scheduled to take place on February 22, 2024 at 8:30am. For additional questions, please reach out to the Association’s legal counsel Adam Obeid,